Defeat At Gallipoli, Nigel Steel, Peter Hart, 63392, Papermac, Eğitim Kitapları, Tarih Siyaset Ekonomi, Yabancı Dilde Kitaplar
By the end of August 1915 the fighting at Gallipoli had left at least one British soldier, Private Ernest Lye, severely disillusioned. In the vanguard of the battle he had seen neither romance nor glory. Instead the squalor and degradation of the battlefield, the intense disappointment and loss of hope he had experienced now appeared like a nightmare that he would remember as long as he lived. It is the intensity of this experience that Defeat at Gallipoli explores in detail by concentrating on the perspective of the ordinary British soldier, in the belief that this is of outstanding importance. More so than the politicians, generals and admirals whose strategic decisions may have lost the campaign, it was the ordinary men and their officers, in the miserable trenches and the bowels of the warships, who knew best what the Gallipoli campaign really entailed, and it is their experiences, recorded in letters, diaries and interviews, that are here used to tell the full history of the sordid and bitter events that occurred.
Although the Allied soldiers and sailors were ultimately defeated by the Turks, they retained their dignity and deserve our respect. Much of the written material included here was never intended for the public eye, and consequently the descriptions of combat have a raw intensity absent from texts honed for publication. The oral sources also cover topics central to the Gallipoli experience but not usually written down in diaries or letters home, revealing for the first time the horror of conditions there. A unique view is also given of the great and the good as their contemporaries saw them, often in incongruous circumstances
One of the overwhelming interests of a campaign such as ipoli is the opportunity that it offers for speculation on what
(Kitabın ilk sayfası)
Kitap, ucuz kitap, kitap al, kitap satın al, ucuz kitap al, uygun kitap, en uygun kitap, en ucuz kitap, kitap al bul, ucuza kitap al, en ucuz kitap al, hesaplı kitap, ucuz kitap satın al, incikitap com,
ÖNEMLİ AÇIKLAMA: Siz değerli okuyuculara satışa sunduğumuz ürünlerin büyük kısmı “kullanılmış ikinci el” kitaplardır. Kitap ve süreli yayınlar mezatlarında ürünlerin ilk sahibi ve sonraki sahipleri sayfaları yazı,çizim ya da notlar almış olabilir. Sonuç itibariyle daha önceden bir veya daha fazla kişi tarafından kullanılmış olabileceğini lütfen göz ardı etmeyiniz. Satışa sunduğumuz kitapların genel görünümü herkesçe kabul edilebilir standartlara uygun olarak ve olabildiğince açık bir şekilde belirtmeye, fotoğraflamaya gayret gösteren İNCİKİTAP sitemizi gezdiğiniz için şimdiden teşekkür ederiz. Mutlu Kitap Okumalar Dileğiyle.
Defeat At Gallipoli, Nigel Steel, Peter Hart, 63392, Papermac, Eğitim Kitapları, Tarih Siyaset Ekonomi, Yabancı Dilde Kitaplar
By the end of August 1915 the fighting at Gallipoli had left at least one British soldier, Private Ernest Lye, severely disillusioned. In the vanguard of the battle he had seen neither romance nor glory. Instead the squalor and degradation of the battlefield, the intense disappointment and loss of hope he had experienced now appeared like a nightmare that he would remember as long as he lived. It is the intensity of this experience that Defeat at Gallipoli explores in detail by concentrating on the perspective of the ordinary British soldier, in the belief that this is of outstanding importance. More so than the politicians, generals and admirals whose strategic decisions may have lost the campaign, it was the ordinary men and their officers, in the miserable trenches and the bowels of the warships, who knew best what the Gallipoli campaign really entailed, and it is their experiences, recorded in letters, diaries and interviews, that are here used to tell the full history of the sordid and bitter events that occurred.
Although the Allied soldiers and sailors were ultimately defeated by the Turks, they retained their dignity and deserve our respect. Much of the written material included here was never intended for the public eye, and consequently the descriptions of combat have a raw intensity absent from texts honed for publication. The oral sources also cover topics central to the Gallipoli experience but not usually written down in diaries or letters home, revealing for the first time the horror of conditions there. A unique view is also given of the great and the good as their contemporaries saw them, often in incongruous circumstances
One of the overwhelming interests of a campaign such as ipoli is the opportunity that it offers for speculation on what
(Kitabın ilk sayfası)
Kitap, ucuz kitap, kitap al, kitap satın al, ucuz kitap al, uygun kitap, en uygun kitap, en ucuz kitap, kitap al bul, ucuza kitap al, en ucuz kitap al, hesaplı kitap, ucuz kitap satın al, incikitap com,
ÖNEMLİ AÇIKLAMA: Siz değerli okuyuculara satışa sunduğumuz ürünlerin büyük kısmı “kullanılmış ikinci el” kitaplardır. Kitap ve süreli yayınlar mezatlarında ürünlerin ilk sahibi ve sonraki sahipleri sayfaları yazı,çizim ya da notlar almış olabilir. Sonuç itibariyle daha önceden bir veya daha fazla kişi tarafından kullanılmış olabileceğini lütfen göz ardı etmeyiniz. Satışa sunduğumuz kitapların genel görünümü herkesçe kabul edilebilir standartlara uygun olarak ve olabildiğince açık bir şekilde belirtmeye, fotoğraflamaya gayret gösteren İNCİKİTAP sitemizi gezdiğiniz için şimdiden teşekkür ederiz. Mutlu Kitap Okumalar Dileğiyle.
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 500,18 | 500,18 |
2 | 265,20 | 530,39 |
3 | 179,36 | 538,09 |
6 | 92,89 | 557,35 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 500,18 | 500,18 |
2 | 265,20 | 530,39 |
3 | 179,36 | 538,09 |
6 | 92,89 | 557,35 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 500,18 | 500,18 |
2 | 265,20 | 530,39 |
3 | 179,36 | 538,09 |
6 | 92,89 | 557,35 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 500,18 | 500,18 |
2 | 265,20 | 530,39 |
3 | 179,36 | 538,09 |
6 | 92,89 | 557,35 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 500,18 | 500,18 |
2 | 265,20 | 530,39 |
3 | 179,36 | 538,09 |
6 | 92,89 | 557,35 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 500,18 | 500,18 |
2 | 265,20 | 530,39 |
3 | 179,36 | 538,09 |
6 | 92,89 | 557,35 |
Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 500,18 | 500,18 |
2 | - | - |
3 | - | - |
6 | - | - |